Prevent costs

A carrier is obliged to return a foreign national whom it transported to the Netherlands and who has been refused entry, to a location outside the Schengen area.Irrespective of the grounds for refusal. If the carrier fails to do this or to do it on time, the government can recover the costs that are incurred by the inadmissible person from the carrier.

Not all reasons for a foreign national being refused at the border can be foreseen and influenced by the carrier. But some can, such as when the passenger:

  • is not in possession of valid travel documents;
  • is holding a false/counterfeit/forged travel document;
  • is not in possession of a valid visa or a valid residence permit (general);
  • is holding false/forged other documents.

What the carrier can do

The carrier can take certain measures to detect and refuse passengers with above mentioned documents. A vital aspect of this is to train, supervise and instruct the ground staff (or the staff of a handling agent) at the airport of origin. Up-to-date and sufficient supporting information about travel documents and regulations governing the conditions of entry to the Netherlands - or the Schengen area - are indispensable.

For information and support the carrier can contact:

  • The Dutch diplomatic representation in the carrier's country of origin.
  • The local network of Immigration Liaison Officers (ILO’s). There are numerous locations all over the world where the ILO’s of various countries work on preventing illegal migration. The Netherlands has ILO’s at various locations, too. They are there to provide advice and training on subjects including travel documents, imposters, visa regulations and traveller profiles. For information about the Dutch ILO’s please send an email to:
  • Digital information on travel documents, like DG Home Affairs or Edison.