Sample 1

Situation: a foreign national is entering the Netherlands and not being able to submit a travel document. He stays in border lodgings of the Custodial Institutions Agency since his arrival in the Netherlands. A replacement travel document (laissez passer) is applied for and the inadmissible person is removed, escorted by the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee. The costs that can be recovered from the carrier are 31.487 euro in total. The main part are costs for the stay at the Custiodial Institutions Agency.

The rates have been laid down in law, in the List of rates (Annex 22 to the Aliens Regulations 2000). The rates used in this sample are from January 2014, since then the prices have gone up.

The number of escorts required is calculated based on the Matrix for use of escorts of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee.

In case of variable costs, such as the costs of a laissez-passer, the bills of the actually incurred costs will be attached to the invoice.

From day to day


The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee refuses Mr A. Lien entry into the Netherlands because he has no travel documents. He does have a boarding pass which proves that he arrived on flight AB123 from country X.


The Marechaussee faxes a removal order for passenger A. Lien to the carrier, in which the option has been checked that the inadmissible person may not be removed immediately.


In a booking request the Marechaussee requests the carrier to put the duty to return, as stated in the removal order, into effect. The Marechaussee indicates that the desired date of removal is 20-09- 2016. In the booking request, the Marechaussee also states that it is goint to draw up a guiding letter for the inadmissible person.

The Marechaussee also states in the booking request that they advise in favour of assisted removal of the person involved - after having done a risk analysis. The Marechaussee states that it needs three escorts for the assisted return, who will be available as of 20-09-2016. If the carrier makes use of assistance by the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, the associated costs of escorts will be charged to the carrier.


In a letter, the carrier communicates that the transportation of the inadmissible person to the place of destination is not possible with a guiding letter. The carrier requests the Marechausseesee to apply for a (replacement) travel document for the foreign national. The Marechaussee forwards this request to the Repatriation and Departure Service. Since the inadmissible person is not transported within 48 hours after the date stated in the booking request (i.e., 20-09-2016), any costs incurred until the inadmissible person's departure may be recovered from the carrier.


The Repatriation and Departure Service starts the application procedure for a laissez passer with the presumable country of origin of the inadmissible person. The goal is to establish the inadmissible person's identity/nationality and to obtain a replacement travel document. The services of an interpreter have been used in the application for a laissez passer. The application for a replacement travel document by the Repatriation and Departure Service costs € 597. The interpreter costs are € 55.


The inadmissible person has been presented (in person) to the diplomatic representative of country X. The diplomatic representative is located in Brussels.    The transportation costs of the personal presentation (Amsterdam - Brussels) are €599.20.


The diplomatic representative of the inadmissible person's country of origin confirms A. Lien's nationality and issues a laissez passer. A laissez passer for country X costs € 75.

The Marechaussee sends a subsequent booking request wherein it states that the changed desired date of the inadmissible person's departure is 20-01-2013. The inadmissible person is now able to leave the Netherlands with the laissez passer. The Marechaussee also states in the subsequent booking request - again - that they advise in favour of assisted removal of the person involved - after having done a risk analysis. The Marechaussee needs three escorts for the assisted return, who will be available as of 20-01-2013. If the carrier makes use of assistance by the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, the associated costs of escorts will be charged to the carrier.


The carrier transports A. Lien to country X. It makes use of escorts of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee. The flight to country X takes 7 hours. The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee deploys three escorts. The escorts have stayed in the country for 14 hours before returning to the Netherlands.

Costs per escort (see for the calculating method escort costs):
Salary: Outward journey: (2+7+1) x €63.78= € 637.80; lay over: € 574.02 (14 hours - 1 hour aftercare - 2 hours check in before journey back = 11 hours, this consists of 8 hours x € 63.78* + 3 hours x 1/3e of € 63.78 = € 574.02.) Return journey: (2 +7 + ½ ) x € 63.78 = € 605.91.
Flight allowance: Outward journey: 7 x € 17.05 = € 119.35; Return journey: 7 x € 17.05 = € 119.35.

Expense allowance: € 13.50x30.5 (calculation: 2 + 7 + 14 + 7 + ½ hours = 30½ hours = 1 time unit of 24 hours + 6½ hours)

A. Lien had stayed in border lodgings of the Custodial Institutions Agency since his arrival in the Netherlands. 20-01-2017 is the end date of any costs that may recovered from the carrier. The costs of stay are €191 per person per day. The cost of stay from 20-09-2016 to 20-01-2017 are recovered from the carrier: 122 days x €191 = €23,302.
Intention date: The DT&V sends an intention, before sending the invoice. The intention consists of a summary of costs, relevant documents to substantiate the costs and an outline of the case the invoice will be send for. The carrier is given 4 weeks to react to the intention.

Invoice date: The DT&V sends an invoice to the carrier for the costs incurred. The administration costs for handling the invoice are € 500.